Tuesday, April 8, 2008

The Shure Dynamic Microphones

Last Sunday I was mixing sound at church on a Yamaha 48 Channel M7CL which I have become very comfortable on. This primary reason I enjoy using this console is that I can mix monitors on the faders. Its a really handy feature that I found on the other Yamaha Digitial Mixers (like the DM1000 and the DM2000). The monitors were a mix of powered wedges and non-powered stage monitors. These monitors were scattered throughout different areas of the stage and they provided a fairly even coverage of sound.

The problem came in with the microphones and the singers. The mics we were using were the Sennheiser e906, the Sennheiser e945, and the Shure Beta 58. The problem with the e906 was that it was hung over a slant mesa cab which works great for straight cabs but the slant cab the mic ends up being about 4 inches away from the grill, then to compound this issue the monitor was originally placed at a 90 degree angle to the mic. The problem is with the mic being that far off of the grill and the monitor being right in its major pickup lobe we had some issues with low end feedback. I was really annoyed but once we were started it was too late to change things up. Nothing is more distracting then a guy placing a mic stand on stage during a sermon.

Secondly the I am starting to dislike the use of cardiod mics for vocals. These mics have such a tendancy to pickup too much ambient noise on a live stage and the monitor mixes tend to suffer especially if the vocalist is not deliberate on how they hold the mic. Due to these issues I am becoming a much bigger fan of the SM 58(or Beta 58) or similar dynamic microphones. The Shure Mics have done such a good job of rejecting sound that is not front and center to the diaphram that they have been great for small rooms. The reason I think they are great for a small room is that they tend to reject the ambient noise that would otherwise be ripe cause for feedback.

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